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Food for Thought #1: Gold

Hello there. May you be a foodie, lost virtual wanderer, casual eavesdrop specialist/trainee, or a curious martian, hungry for terrain normalcy. Welcome.

My name is Rose. You can call me Rosey. I feel like I have done this numerous times yet the awkwardness still hangs in the air. Regardless of this ominous aura, to introduce myself is never an easy job. Here goes nothing. It's Rose. I do sugar flowers and macarons. (Hence my baby, Rosey CAKES.) I love to paint, write and read. I love movies and Youtube. I am the biggest self-proclaimed foodie. Okay. That's all I have for now. I hope that does it. *curtsy*

Food for Thought. Dictionary says, it means something that warrants serious consideration. It is synonymous to mental stimulation and mental nourishment. I don't know about something serious but, this surely stimulates and nourishes something on my end. I needed this. Just throw it all out there into the void. The food for my thought.

I've finally succumbed to the never-ending knocks and whistles that refuses to stay put. I have decided to include this much needed segment on this blog. I present to you.. Food for Thought. Apparently, the words, day-dreamt scripts and amusing cliches that keep hovering over my head for the past several months cannot be ignored. I tried. I tried to push these thoughts aside and focus on the much coveted "gold". That's what everyone says right? Always and only aim for the gold. Who is this "everyone" anyway? And what exactly is this gold? Money? Chocolate coins? A trophy? The ultimate dream, fame and fortune? I guess it is safe to say that it is different for every individual. It is different from one dreamer to another. So I ask myself. What is my gold? What is yours?



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